Financial Strength and Security

HavenBiz uses the latest and most advanced security measures.

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    Data encryption

    Cybersecurity’s best practices around data encryption and authentication.

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    Safe online transactions

    Keeping transactions secure. We only work with well-established and reputable banks.

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    Compliance and effectiveness

    Internal audits confirm that our cybersecurity practices meet the standards.

A history of trust

  • All client money is kept separate from our funds and held in separate accounts with top-tier banks
  • A strong team of professionals is constantly monitoring and always prepared to respond to any incident or irregular activities in online payments
  • We’re well-capitalized and with enough liquidity to navigate through bad times
  • We use the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) network security protocol to guarantee a secure connection in all communications with you

Security is our number one priority

Our payment-processing system ensures the military-grade protection of your funds and is compliant with all international and domestic security standards.

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Regulated Broker

HavenBiz is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK (Register no: FRN 502635).

HavenBiz is authorised and regulated as an Investment Dealer by The Financial Services Commission of Mauritius (License no: C114013940).

How to get started

  • Sign-Up

    Submit your enquiry form

  • Get Approved

    It takes up to 1-3 business days to approve your application

  • Get Started

    Your client portal is now ready to go! Log in and get started!

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